Minecraft The Shire.

Honor to my dear friend Prakke for being an awesome builder.
What can I say, sometimes you're bored? And then this is what we do.
This is only the start of it so it's far from done. 

Through Guild Wars2 on foot. Queensdale


Through Guild Wars2 on foot. Divinity's Reach

I want to give a quick thanks to the RP:ers that "helped" me out with this video. 
What can I say, this server rules ;) 

Guild Wars 2 Wintersday 2012

So I am a big sucker for anything that has to do with Christmas, so naturally I was over my head when GW2 was going to launch Wintersday. I was sitting there bouncing in my chair waiting for the patch to come out. And boy....was I disappointed. I'm sorry ArenaNet! I totally fell in love with the Halloween patch and played every single part of it (and died alot doing it). Dispite the problems with the patch updates, servers going down, that you sometimes couldn't log in, I loved it all. So when this new patch was going to come out, I think I had a bit too high expectations. Now it looked absolutely stunning, I will give them that. The whole art style was amazing and I don't think anyone can claim anything else. But the content of the patch was...weak? 
I did play alot of it, thinking that it would win me around but I'm sorry to say that it didn't. Yes they didn't have as much trouble with this patch but that was about it. 
The dungeons was...fun...the first time. But then when the rest of them came out and it was practically the same thing, over and over again it left me feeling like I wanted something more. 
I guess that some of it can have to do with the fact that the whole thing revolved around Tixx. 
Seeing how Tixx is a toymaker this patch could've been made into so much more. Starting from the weaponskins. Come on ArenaNet, you could've done that so much better. None of the skins spoke to me, yes the toy skins were cute and the swords looked adorable but the brown ones? Really now? 
I have to give it to them though the plush griffon was one of my favorite things ever in the game. That thing is too cute. 
Winter Wonderland- 

This was the jumping puzzle for the Wintersday patch. It had just like the Halloween puzzle a timed element to it and many people had troubles getting through it. As it's stated on the website "It’ll take more than a good pair of snow boots to get you through this Wintersday’s jumping puzzle." 

Snowball Mayhem-

Ever wanted to smack people in the face with snowballs? Well in Snowball Mayhem you could do just that. This was the PvP activity for the Wintersday. 
Bell Choir-

With this part of the patch you could ring in the season inside the Lion's Arch snow globe. This had a bit of guitarr hero to it and if you hit all the right notes you got an award. This was the only part of the patch that I didn't had a go at. It just didn't speak to me all that much and I heard that I wasn't the only one feeling like that. 
Well I don't think I have to say that this patch chocking enough wasn't for me. And I do hope that with the next event things will pick up again. I would hate to see that ArenaNet have dropped the (snow)ball for good. Now I do want to say that this does not affect my love for the game itself. I will still be playing and I'm sure that some people won't agree with my thoughs about the events. This is just MY own thoughts and everyone else is free to think whatever they want. 
So now when this rant is over let's look forward to 2013 in Guild wars 2. 


Forsaken World


Today we will be looking into Forsaken World, it's a 3D fantasy MMORPG that is set in the world of Eyrda. The game is published by the same studio behind Perfect World and is inspired by European mythology. It is a game that offers 5 races, 8 classes, guild battles and over 10 occupations. 
Forsaken World is Perfect World Entertainments sixth MMORPG for the North American market. March 09, 2011 was the officiall open beta launch for the game. The game original features included a vampire race that they called Kindred, the ability for up to 10 players per server to become Gods, a simply unique PvP system, floating fortresses that the different guilds could fight over and a wide range of skill effects. 

Unlike the previous games that had been launched from Perfect World Games, Forsaken World is set in a Western fantasy world. Before most of their games have been set in a more oriental setting. Other games from the company is such as Jade Dynasty, Ether Saga Online, Battle of the Immortals, Rusty Hearts and Legend of Martial Arts. 

Races: Stoneman, Elf, Dwarf, Human, Kindred. 

Occupations: Socialite, Adventurer, Merchant, Collector, Arcanist, Botanist, Astrologist, Armorsmith, Blacksmith, Tamer & Alchemist. 

Warrior- A centeral figure in any group. The warriors have a high health and can deal heavy duty damage at close range. 
Protector- This is the tank or defensive fighter of the Forsaken World. The protectors absorbs the blows for their allies. They also have a high health and defense but a limited damage output. 
Assasin- Assasins are the masters of stealth, they deal high damage at close range but are very light armored, that makes it harder for them to stand toe to toe with the enemies for a longer time.
Marksman- This is the class that wields the long-ranged weapons in Forsaken Worlds. They picks off their enemies from a distance. The Marksman deal consistent damage over time, this is also a class that are lightly armored. 
Mage- These are the masters of the elements, they are portraited as the dieing breed in Forsaken World but those that still remain are deadly. This is the glasscanon of the game, with high damage output but low defense and health. 
Priest- The Priest is a supportive caster, they heal and bolster the fighting capabilites amongst their allies. 
Vampire- This is one of the more unique classes in Forsaken World, it's a mysterious class that mixes magic with melee attacks. Vampires uses their own health to perform attacks and absorb the life of their enemies. But they do not sparkle! 
Bard- This is yet another supportive class, the music produced by the barn can effect those around them. They can disable enemies and buff allies nearby.


I have to say that it's really hard to find something that's missing from Forsaken World. The game has a dozen options that lets the players gain levels and you can really spend your time in the game however you wish. The world it's set in is truly beautiful and well detailed, the grafics are really good something that I wasn't expecting before trying the game out. Plus you never really feel rushed when you're playing. 
I would say that after trying this and some other games from Perfect World Entertainment out, this could be one of their best games so far. So if you are after yet another MMORPG to try out I don't see the harm in downloading it and giving it a go. I will for one continue playing even after this trial run. Plus I bet you that you will love the armor in the game....Enough said. 

The topic of the girl gamers..

Okay so today I want to talk about something that has been bugging me for I don't know how long. Yes you might have guessed it, gamer girls... I get that we might not be that many out there and that most people that play online games and games in general tend to be guys but come on people. I was just happily playing WoW when someone started to call me dude. Now I don't have anything against people using that as a shall we say “nickname” many of my friends have that habit so I'm used to it. But there is a difference in being called a dude and being called a dude. Confusing isn't it?
The difference is when it's followed by an insult like “Dude you play like a girl.” “Dude are you gay?” Stuff like that. Now I do not have anything against feminine players or homosexuals so don't read too much into that. But being put down as a gay male just because someone haven't reached the maturity level of at least a ten year old is freaking annoying. If you don't like how someone plays regardless if they are a female or a male why don't you just either politely say it if you need to get it out of your system or just ignore them and move on. It may be hard to believe right then and there but there are other players in the game besides them. Chocking huh?

Now going back to the subject of why the idea about female gamers who doesn't exist bugs me. Well I'm not one to tell people that I'm a girl in a game, simply because you usually get either people that doubt you and calls you a fake or people that simply refuses to play with you. And yes that has happened. 

One time I was doing a dungeon run in a game (that shall remain without a name), we were waiting for one last person to show up since he had to hand in some things to the bank before the run. Standing there they decided to say what their names were since all of us had pretty long user names there. When I said that my name was Anna and not Kai, which is the one I usually use since you can't really tell if I'm a guy or a girl by it. See what they do to you? lol. One of the members asked if I was serious. I said that I was and he decided to leave. I wouldn't had mind if he just left and that was it but he then started to accuse me and say that if they died it would be my fault since and I quote “Girls belong in the kitchen not in front of the computer.”. I don't know about the rest of you but I live in 2012 not in 1800, I can't cook for the life of me and if I did I would probably burn the kitchen down so for the safety of the world I do not belong in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I came with a warning sign to my parents “Do not place near open flames” or something like that.

What I want to say with this ramble is that girl gamers, we do exist, we are real, all of us aren't 50 year old dudes living in our mothers basements (not that there is anything wrong with that if you do) and all of us doesn't suck at games. I get if you want to seem cool or tough or macho or whatever it is you're trying to do but come. So the next time someone asks what my name is I will not say a guys name, I will say my own and if you want to behave like a immature brat then by all means go ahead but then don't come complaining that it's so hard finding girls who likes games. Because we are out there, we just won't tell jerks like you.


Now to all of you guys out there who are truly awesome and supportive and just fun to play with, I want to say sorry for this little rant but I just had to get it out. There have been many times when other players have been really cool with it and super nice so don't think everyone's a jerk. And to the other girl gamers out there, just ignore them and keep playing.  

What goes Ha Ha Ha plopp?

...a man laughing his head off...

So yes now all of the parts for Halloween in Guild wars 2 and I have to say they did a great job! Yes there were some problems, the patches are the main proof of this but it has been really really fun. I will miss it when it's gone, but we have to look forward to what Arenanet can bring out in the future. If you haven't tried Guild wars 2 yet, why not give it a go? I'm a regular MMO player and I have to say this one is really good. 

Guild Wars 2 - The Aesir League - Guild

Mad King Return

Was a long time ago I had this much fun in an MMO! Okey so you have to give it to Arenanet, they did fix things fast and the event was truly amazing. Me and my friend did the event as a duo and I have to say it was HARD no joke but it was so much fun. We died.....didn't count...a million times? It took about an hour for us to kill the boss but it was worth it. If you have Guild wars 2, go to lions and try it out! 

Mad king returns


Guild Wars 2 Mad King Event Part 3

Alright so I know that so many people will bitch about the sudden patches for all the other parts of the halloween update for Guild wars 2. Yes part one was patched, due to door farming and patch two was patched for, who knows. But now when they release a sudden dungeon (SPOILER) for part three surely they would know to test stuff out first...right? Well behold the rage for the guild wars players. The event launched with an awesome totaly epic cutscene and everyone was going "That's epic!" "So glad I got to see that!". The the tone changed just a slight bit. "Omg this is crap!" "Arena what are you doing?!"
Turnes out that there is a tiny little bug in the event that just either won't let players jump in or splits up your party so you end up all alone. Forever alone in guild wars 2. That happened to me and my friend we came to join from our guild but no Missy that couldn't be done.
You see my friend just got kicked out from the game and I ended up alone in the place with ---no I'm not saying it you will have to see on your own. Well let's just say I got my butt handed to me and had to leave since all my armor was broken and there was no way I would be able to handle it on my own. That would be all fine and dandy if it hadn't been for the fact that now the party was bugged out, only one of us could get into the lions arch and the other was in overflow.
Fine let's leave the main one and join overflow? Well then it still said that we weren't in the same one. Meaning that we couldn't join as a party again. Well that went on for about 40 min until I got suddenly kicked out of the game like so many others and now I'm stuck waiting for them to fix the log in servers. 
BUT with this said (written or whatever) I don't want to rage on Arena, yes they screwed up but come on people this is the first MAJOR event that's been launched in Gw 2 and even if some of the stuff they've decided to do have been a bit "What did they think there?" it has still been absolutely awesome and I for one can't wait until the christmas patch comes out. 
So now let's just all take a deep breath and wait for them to fix it Okay? If you strangle them it will just take longer to be fixed. Lol. 

Guild Wars part 3

Guild Wars 2 Part 2

Gw 2 Part 1

Mr. Minecraft Panda Mill.

I logged in on the server one day and look what Mr. Minecraft Panda had built. A truly amazing mill! 
I really love how he used the wool on the blades of the mill there and the water has proven good to hide in. 
By the way the little gardens in front of it used to contain all the animals you saw in the Animal farm post. They scared the living crap out of me every time I walked past them so they had to move. Silly sheeps. And Mr. Minecraft Panda isn't actually called Mr. Minecraft Panda in minecraft so don't go stalking him now. 

Northland-gaming Animal farms part 1

Here is a little sneak peak on how you can "stack" away your animals in minecraft in a more let's say pretty way. These animals used to be in the middle of our freaking village but since they made such noises that we were going mental they had to move. Out here they are farmable and we can get to them but they won't drive us nuts with the sounds.
 It is currently hotter then the freaking sun here but none the less I will be playing some games tonight. Maybe even my first ever game of LoL, now isn't that something? 

Northland-gaming a farm

RIFT Part 1

For those of you out there looking for a new MMORPG to play, I would strongly recommend RIFT. The game was released in March of 2011 and it has got a lot of positive feedback from game critics. It was announced that there were 1 million players that had played the game in August 2011 and it had earned Trion $100 million in total by January 2012.

Rift is set in the world of Telara, this is the focus point for different elemental Planes. The planes are representing the basic elemental forces such as Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Life and Death. Telara exists where each of these planes intersect.

Regulos, the Dragon of Extinction have made the dragon-deity that  rules over each plane to unite in an alliance that is further known as the Blood Storm. Their purpose is to invade Telara and gain use of the intersections of all of their realms. In the past the Blood Storm was defeated with the help of the most powerful of the native gods, the Vigil.

Now as a player you have the role as the Ascended, a sort of superhuman warrior type that was resurrected with the task to defeat Regulos forces and make Telara clean from invasions forever.

There are two lines to play, one being the Guardians, these piously follow the Vigil religion. The Vigil is classified as the supreme gods of Telara. This line has the high elves, the Mathosians who are the human race in this line. The Mathosians is a warlike culture of humans who’s coming from the north. And then there is the dwarves, now I don’t think I have to explain who they are now do I?

The other line that you can play are the Defiants, they do not follow the Vigil and have put their trust in science and technology to be victorious over the forces of Regulos. This line has the Eth, wich is this lines human form. This type of human comes from a culture in the south instead of the north and is highly advanced. They have the Bahmi, they are like a descendants of a mix between air spirits and humans. And last but not least they have the Kelari, a animistic, cabalistic type of dark elves.

Now you might wonder, what’s up with the name Rift? Well Rifts in the game shatters the area from time to time in invasions, they are areas of elemental instability and represent the intrusion of elemental planes in Telara. Ones a rift opens up it starts to spawn monsters who march towards important points on the map. Then it’s up to the players to defeat the monsters and to close up the rifts.
When you enter the surrounding area of a rift it will trigger a function that allows you to join a public group. This takes away what former games had you doing, of creating and joining groups manually.

Some players might have an issue or two with the way Rift has built up its talent system but ones you get used to it, you realize that it gives you so many ways to really customize your character.
 To sum things up, RIFT is a game worth playing. It has unique features that some people might have missed in other MMORPG’s. Why not try it out? 

For more info visit RIFT.

[Pictures are from starter zone, Defiants. Classes Mage & Cleric.]

Coming soon

Soon I will post some pictures from mine and Mr. Minecraft Panda builds on Northland-gaming's server. 
We have gone for a asian style village vibe and I hope you will enjoy it. 
I want to give a big thanks to my friend here, he is truly awesome and an amazing builder! 

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