Guild Wars 2 Wintersday 2012

So I am a big sucker for anything that has to do with Christmas, so naturally I was over my head when GW2 was going to launch Wintersday. I was sitting there bouncing in my chair waiting for the patch to come out. And boy....was I disappointed. I'm sorry ArenaNet! I totally fell in love with the Halloween patch and played every single part of it (and died alot doing it). Dispite the problems with the patch updates, servers going down, that you sometimes couldn't log in, I loved it all. So when this new patch was going to come out, I think I had a bit too high expectations. Now it looked absolutely stunning, I will give them that. The whole art style was amazing and I don't think anyone can claim anything else. But the content of the patch was...weak? 
I did play alot of it, thinking that it would win me around but I'm sorry to say that it didn't. Yes they didn't have as much trouble with this patch but that was about it. 
The dungeons first time. But then when the rest of them came out and it was practically the same thing, over and over again it left me feeling like I wanted something more. 
I guess that some of it can have to do with the fact that the whole thing revolved around Tixx. 
Seeing how Tixx is a toymaker this patch could've been made into so much more. Starting from the weaponskins. Come on ArenaNet, you could've done that so much better. None of the skins spoke to me, yes the toy skins were cute and the swords looked adorable but the brown ones? Really now? 
I have to give it to them though the plush griffon was one of my favorite things ever in the game. That thing is too cute. 
Winter Wonderland- 

This was the jumping puzzle for the Wintersday patch. It had just like the Halloween puzzle a timed element to it and many people had troubles getting through it. As it's stated on the website "It’ll take more than a good pair of snow boots to get you through this Wintersday’s jumping puzzle." 

Snowball Mayhem-

Ever wanted to smack people in the face with snowballs? Well in Snowball Mayhem you could do just that. This was the PvP activity for the Wintersday. 
Bell Choir-

With this part of the patch you could ring in the season inside the Lion's Arch snow globe. This had a bit of guitarr hero to it and if you hit all the right notes you got an award. This was the only part of the patch that I didn't had a go at. It just didn't speak to me all that much and I heard that I wasn't the only one feeling like that. 
Well I don't think I have to say that this patch chocking enough wasn't for me. And I do hope that with the next event things will pick up again. I would hate to see that ArenaNet have dropped the (snow)ball for good. Now I do want to say that this does not affect my love for the game itself. I will still be playing and I'm sure that some people won't agree with my thoughs about the events. This is just MY own thoughts and everyone else is free to think whatever they want. 
So now when this rant is over let's look forward to 2013 in Guild wars 2. 



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