The topic of the girl gamers..

Okay so today I want to talk about something that has been bugging me for I don't know how long. Yes you might have guessed it, gamer girls... I get that we might not be that many out there and that most people that play online games and games in general tend to be guys but come on people. I was just happily playing WoW when someone started to call me dude. Now I don't have anything against people using that as a shall we say “nickname” many of my friends have that habit so I'm used to it. But there is a difference in being called a dude and being called a dude. Confusing isn't it?
The difference is when it's followed by an insult like “Dude you play like a girl.” “Dude are you gay?” Stuff like that. Now I do not have anything against feminine players or homosexuals so don't read too much into that. But being put down as a gay male just because someone haven't reached the maturity level of at least a ten year old is freaking annoying. If you don't like how someone plays regardless if they are a female or a male why don't you just either politely say it if you need to get it out of your system or just ignore them and move on. It may be hard to believe right then and there but there are other players in the game besides them. Chocking huh?

Now going back to the subject of why the idea about female gamers who doesn't exist bugs me. Well I'm not one to tell people that I'm a girl in a game, simply because you usually get either people that doubt you and calls you a fake or people that simply refuses to play with you. And yes that has happened. 

One time I was doing a dungeon run in a game (that shall remain without a name), we were waiting for one last person to show up since he had to hand in some things to the bank before the run. Standing there they decided to say what their names were since all of us had pretty long user names there. When I said that my name was Anna and not Kai, which is the one I usually use since you can't really tell if I'm a guy or a girl by it. See what they do to you? lol. One of the members asked if I was serious. I said that I was and he decided to leave. I wouldn't had mind if he just left and that was it but he then started to accuse me and say that if they died it would be my fault since and I quote “Girls belong in the kitchen not in front of the computer.”. I don't know about the rest of you but I live in 2012 not in 1800, I can't cook for the life of me and if I did I would probably burn the kitchen down so for the safety of the world I do not belong in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I came with a warning sign to my parents “Do not place near open flames” or something like that.

What I want to say with this ramble is that girl gamers, we do exist, we are real, all of us aren't 50 year old dudes living in our mothers basements (not that there is anything wrong with that if you do) and all of us doesn't suck at games. I get if you want to seem cool or tough or macho or whatever it is you're trying to do but come. So the next time someone asks what my name is I will not say a guys name, I will say my own and if you want to behave like a immature brat then by all means go ahead but then don't come complaining that it's so hard finding girls who likes games. Because we are out there, we just won't tell jerks like you.


Now to all of you guys out there who are truly awesome and supportive and just fun to play with, I want to say sorry for this little rant but I just had to get it out. There have been many times when other players have been really cool with it and super nice so don't think everyone's a jerk. And to the other girl gamers out there, just ignore them and keep playing.  


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